Note: This posts describes my development process, if you just want to debug your site, check out the finished project here.

Here’s how I managed to get a local copy of the WebKit WebInspector working with Google’s ios-webkit-debug-proxy on iOS 14.6 in 2021.

This work is inspired by Arty Gus’s webkit-webinspector which seems to have been abandoned.


Note: All terminal commands shown work in both bash and PowerShell unless otherwise noted.

Setting up our workspace


  • ios-webkit-debug-proxy
    • On Windows we must also install iTunes
  • svn or git for downloading WebKit source code
  • A Chromium based browser (like Google Chrome, Edge or Opera) or WebKit based browser (like Epiphany/GNOME Web)


First we create a directory to work in and enter it:

mkdir ios-remote-debugging
cd ios-remote-debugging

Getting the WebInspector files

The most important part is the WebInspector itself. It can be found in the source code of WebKit.

To download it we can either use the following svn command (thank you Arty Gus):

svn checkout WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface

or this git command (thank you Stack Overflow):

git clone --depth 1 --filter=blob:none --sparse
cd WebKit
git sparse-checkout set Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface
cd ..

We should now have a folder called WebKit with the subfolder structure Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface in which we will find the needed files.

Adding some ancient files to the mix

The WebSocket protocol offered by ios-webkit-debug-proxy isn’t supported in newer versions of the WebKit WebInspector anymore. Thanks to the power of version control however we can add that support back in.

We need two different things, the code that initialises the connection that goes into the Main.js file and the InspectorFrontEndHostStub.js files, which is what replaces the InspectorFrontEndHost that would normally be created by the method that replaced WebSockets.

Both of those things were removed in commit b65bda90170215a72fcdf2a1bb80ffcc4aa15e73.

The Main.js part can be found here and the InspectorFrontEndHostStub.js file here.

I downloaded InspectorFrontEndHostStub.js into the UserInterface folder and kept a browser tab with the Main.js part open.

Making some changes


Since the InspectorFrontEndHostStub.js file is pretty old by now, it’s missing some of the properties and methods that have been added since. I also rewrote it to use a class instead of the old fashioned way it was written in before.

  • The name WebInspector has also been shorted to WI.
  • The missing properties and methods have been added. I used InspectorFrontendHost.cpp and the WebInspector inspected with another WebInspector in Epiphany (a WebKit based browser) as references.
  • I added _initializeWebSocketIfNeeded into the WI object.
  • I added a very primitive polyfill for getPropertyCSSValue and a dummy function for getCSSCanvasContext. These are WebKit specific legacy functions that are still used by the WebInspector. These changes are nedded to make it work in Chromium based browsers. With a bit more work one could probably also get it to work in Firefox.

Lastly, WI._initializeWebSocketIfNeeded() must be called when the WebInspector loads, so we add that call to the top of the WI.loaded function like so:

WI.loaded = function()

The following sed command does that automatically:

sed -i -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/WI.loaded = function()\r\{0,1\}\n{/WI.loaded = function() { WI._initializeWebSocketIfNeeded();/g' WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Base/Main.js

or the PowerShell variant:

$path = 'WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Base/Main.js'
$replace = 'WI.loaded = function\(\)\r?\n{'
$replaceWith = 'WI.loaded = function() { WI._initializeWebSocketIfNeeded();'
(Get-Content $path -Raw) -replace $replace,$replaceWith | Set-Content $path


Just like with the JavaScript, the CSS also makes use of some WebKit specific features and quirks. So I wrote a little css file that fixes some of them. In the UserInterface folder I created a new file named AdditionalStyles.css.

  • I gave the navigation bar items (the warning and error icons) a fixed with of 16px, before they would be way too large due to differences in svg handling.
  • I gave the .popover class a fixed background color, because previously the background was created using getCSSCanvasContext() which doesn’t work in non-WebKit browsers.

The WebInspector CSS also makes a lot of use of the :matches() pseudo-class. :matches() was the WebKit-specific name for the now standardised :is().

We can use a quick string replacement to update them by running this command in the UserInterface folder:

grep -rlZ ':matches' . --include='*.css' | xargs -0 sed -i 's/:matches/:is/g'

or the PowerShell variant:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include "*.css" | Select-String ':matches' -List | ForEach-Object { ($_ | Get-Content -Raw) -replace ':matches',':is' | Set-Content $_.Path }


Of course we need to load our JS and CSS file. To do that, we add

<script src="InspectorFrontendHostStub.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="AdditionalStyle.css">

to the Main.html file right after <script src="Base/WebInspector.js"></script>

The following sed command does that automatically:

sed -i -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/<script src="Base\/WebInspector.js"><\/script>/<script src="Base\/WebInspector.js"><\/script><script src="InspectorFrontendHostStub.js"><\/script><link rel="sty
lesheet" href="AdditionalStyle.css">/g' WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Main.html

or the PowerShell variant:

$path = 'WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Main.html'
$replace = '<script src="Base/WebInspector.js"></script>'
$replaceWith = $replace + '<script src="InspectorFrontendHostStub.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="AdditionalStyle.css">'
(Get-Content $path -Raw) -replace $replace,$replaceWith | Set-Content $path

Selecting the version

In the WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy folder we can find folders with InspectorBackendCommands.js files for different versions of iOS. We copy the InspectorBackendCommands.js for the one that is lower than or equal to ours (e.g. if we are running 14.6, copy 14.5; if we are running 14.5, copy 14.5) into the WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Protocol folder.

For example:

cp WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/14.5/InspectorBackendCommands.js WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Protocol/

Bash script for automatically copying the latest version:

versionFolder="$(ls -1 $legacyPath | sort | tail -n 1)"
cp $backendCommandsFile $protocolPath

PowerShell equivalent:

$protocolPath = 'WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Protocol'
$legacyPath = "$protocolPath/Legacy"
$versionFolder = (Get-ChildItem $legacyPath | Sort-Object Name -Descending)[0]
$backendCommandsFile = "$legacyPath/$versionFolder/InspectorBackendCommands.js"
cp $backendCommandsFile $protocolPath

Running it

Now that all the needed changes are done, we can test it.

On our iOS device, we go to Settings->Safari->Advanced->Web Inspector and enable it. Then open a webpage in Safari.

After downloading ios-webkit-debug-proxy and installing iTunes, we plug in our iOS device via USB and launch ios-webkit-debug-proxy without a frontend using the -F argument. For example on Windows: .\ios-webkit-debug-proxy-1.8.8-win64-bin\ios_webkit_debug_proxy.exe -F.

The output should then look something like this:

Listing devices on :9221
Connected :9222 to Himbeers iPad (00000000-0000000000000000)

To view the inspector, we need to open it in our browser. However opening the Main.html file directly would give us origin errors because "file:" URLs are treated with extra security.

So we need to run a web server that serves WebInspector for us. Any static file server will work.

For example:

  • Node.JS: The http-server npm package (adds the terminal command http-server)
  • Python 3: python3 -m http.server 8080
  • PHP: php -S localhost:8080

Whichever server we choose, we run it from the WebKit/Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface folder. Then open our Chromium or WebKit based browser with the following URL:


(if ios_webkit_debug_proxy gave a port different from 9222 for the device we want to debug, that port should be used instead, of course)

We should now be greeted with the WebInspector and can debug to our heart’s content.


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